This includes things like creating a business plan, setting goals and identifying your target market. One thing you can do now is start thinking and planning for your side hustle as if it were already a major business. They may even be able to help you get your side hustle up and running faster. If you want to turn it into a major business, you'll need the help of others and it's better to start creating a pool of potential people now. You could also connect with investors and find out what they would need from you so that you can start preparing for it when the time is right. For instance, you can find partners who would be a good fit and who are interested in joining your business. You can network with potential investors, partners, customers and even employees. This will help you make all the right connections that you'll need later on when you want to turn this into a full-fledged business. One thing you can do now is to start networking. Without processes, you will end up working for your business instead of running it.

Having written systems in place allows you to replicate it not only for yourself, but also for the true meaning of a business, which is to have others do it while you lead.
The energy you have for a side hustle cannot be scaled to a full business. I see time and time again that people take up a side hustle and think, "Great, I'll just do exactly that eight hours a day," but that's not scalable.

It's all fun and games to play with a hobby and shoot from the hip. Make sure you document and develop systems for your side hustle.